Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Have you seen that show Felicity? My sister used to watch it back in high school when it was airing on TV. I used to think it looked pretty boring. My wife had the first two seasons on DVD and had to practically beg me to watch one of the episodes with her. I thought I'd watch an episode and be done with it. After all, I didn't have too much respect for shows that came on the WB. Even though I never watched any of the shows, I thought they were all too girly, too shallow, or both. After the first episode, I was unexpectedly hooked. It's a great show! What had me hooked in the beginning was how real everything seemed to be when Felicity moved to college. For me, college was a big step into the unknown that thrusted me into constant uncertainty. The show captured that in its first season along with all the awkwardness.

I have now seen all the episodes, from season one to season four. I have to admit that it is now one of my favorite shows. I'm happy I was able share the entire show with Dionne. The first season was the best, but the rest of the series turned out to be great. I thought I'd never say this, but way to go, WB.


  1. Hahahahaha. I love how you are a total convert now. You are like Saul who turns into Paul. First you were ridiculing the Felicity Fans, and now you have a whole post about the show and how great it is. I love it!

    But then again, I can't talk - you did the same thing to me with darn Battlestar Galactica!

    I love you! (and the icecream will be ready in about 5 minutes - hopefully you are done with your internet banking by then).

  2. I've gotten Steve addicted to my shows too. But like...The West Wing and Invader Zim and all the seasons of America's Next Top Model. Which we watch. all the time.

    He even watches it with out me.

  3. I must admit, i used to watch it. felicity did annoy me because she over-analyzed everything (still not sure if this was her, or girls in general)

  4. You should just let Dionne update this blog for you.

  5. So you and your wife blog. Great to meet ya'll. I love tv serious but they are so time comsuming. LOL. I am hooked on Heroes and Chuck. Used to watch lost but I am pretty sure everyone who watches that one from start to finish will be lost by the end of the show. LOL. Take care and hope to hang out with you two again soon. Sorry couldn't make it to dinner. Rich Cohrs
