Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Have you seen that show Felicity? My sister used to watch it back in high school when it was airing on TV. I used to think it looked pretty boring. My wife had the first two seasons on DVD and had to practically beg me to watch one of the episodes with her. I thought I'd watch an episode and be done with it. After all, I didn't have too much respect for shows that came on the WB. Even though I never watched any of the shows, I thought they were all too girly, too shallow, or both. After the first episode, I was unexpectedly hooked. It's a great show! What had me hooked in the beginning was how real everything seemed to be when Felicity moved to college. For me, college was a big step into the unknown that thrusted me into constant uncertainty. The show captured that in its first season along with all the awkwardness.

I have now seen all the episodes, from season one to season four. I have to admit that it is now one of my favorite shows. I'm happy I was able share the entire show with Dionne. The first season was the best, but the rest of the series turned out to be great. I thought I'd never say this, but way to go, WB.